Back in January, Davina wrote a series of blog posts about setting an analysis rhythm in large or complex programmes for the Government Digital Service (GDS). There are four parts:

Below is a taster from part 1.


I’m an agile coach in the GDS transformation team. I help to establish and develop the agile working practices for programmes. I work with teams and individuals who are new to agile, and often the colleagues doing analysis. Analysis is the work done to turn an idea into a set of user stories for developers to work from.

Agile programmes tend to have rigour around the delivery of sprints, but the analysis is often less disciplined. It’s helpful to set a clear and constant rhythm for analysis so the right stories are written at the right time. A rhythm allows a team to feel in control of the workload and ensures there are prioritised, well-defined and estimated stories for developers.

Over the next four days I will be blogging about the activities of setting the analysis rhythm. At the end of the week you will have a collection of posts to use as a resource to support your work on large or complex agile programmes. I’ll use terminology specific to agile – the methodology we use to deliver GDS projects. If you’d like to know more about agile, here is a good introduction.


To read the rest, head over to the GDS Digital Transformation blog.

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